Scout Orienteering Club of Scout Association of Hong Kong
Scout Orienteering Championship 2004

賽 事 資 料 Event Details
日期 Date: 2004年12月12日(星期日) 12th December 2004(Sunday)
地點 Venue: 五桂山 Black Hill
形式 Type: 越野式 Cross-country
地圖 Map: 比例 1:10,000、5米等高線間距彩圖附國際圖例
Scale 1:10,000, 5m contour internal colour map with IOF symbols
組別 Classes: » 男子青年組 Male Youth *
» 女子青年組 Female Youth *
 ( * 1986年1月1日或以後出生 Born on or after 1 January 1986)
» 男子公開組 Male Open#
» 女子公開組 Female Open#
 (# 年齡不限No age limitation)
獎項 Prizes : 各組別均設冠、亞、季軍獎項,如報名人數不足10人,只設冠軍獎項。
The first 3 runners of each class will be awarded. Only the Champion will be awarded for classes with less than 10 entries.
報名辦法 Entries : 填妥報名表格,於截止日期前連同支票(用劃線支票書明「香港童軍總會」為收款人)及一個貼上足夠郵資之回郵信封,寄交九龍柯士甸道童軍徑香港童軍中心9樓青少年活動署。
Prior to the deadline, mail the completed entry form with a crossed cheque made payable to “Scout Association of Hong Kongand a stamped self-addressed envelope to Programme Branch, 9/F, Hong Kong Scout Centre, Scout Path, Austin Road, Kowloon.
查詢 Enquiry : 2957 6412
備註 Remarks :
  1. 本賽事將採用Emit電子打孔系統,大會將安排電子控制咭予賽員借用;若有遺失或損壞,每張須賠償港幣$200元。
    Emit electronic punching system will be used and e-card will be lent to those competitors. A penalty of HK$200 for each e-card will be incurred in case of lost or damages.
  2. 賽事須知將於賽事舉行前一星期以電郵或郵寄方式發出,並刊登於本會網頁( )。
    Event information will be sent one week before the event by e-mail or by post, and will be uploaded on our website ( ).
  3. 大會保留最後修訂之權利。
    Organizer reserves the final right for any amendment.

For more event details, please refer to the application form.

報 名 表 下 載 Download Application Form
公開人士 報名表
Application form for Open Public
童軍成員 通告
童軍成員 報名表