Scout Orienteering Club of Scout Association of Hong Kong
Scout Orienteering Championship 2001

Event Information

English Version
比賽日期: 2001年12月9日(星期日)
地 點: 荃灣花山
形 式: 越野式
地 圖: 1:10000,等高線間距5米之彩色定向地圖(2001年修定版)和國際控制點提示符號
獎 項: 各組別均設冠亞季軍獎 (不足10名/隊參賽者之組別只設冠軍獎)
賽事控制員: 吳坤成先生(香港野外定向會)
裁判團: 鄭凱文先生(香港野外定向會)、

0800  賽事中心開放
0930  出發區開放
1000  開始出發    終點區開放
1150  投訴處開放   出發區關閉
1400  最後成績公佈  終點區關閉
1430  頒獎      所有控制點關閉
1500  賽事結束

  1. 大會將不會提供交通予賽員,賽員需自行安排交通往返賽事中心。
  2. 各賽員可於荃灣柴灣角荃威花園巴士總站下車,然後沿荃景圍步行往中華基督教會基慧小學(賽事中心)。落車後,步行往賽事中心需時5分鐘﹐沿路有指示。
  3. 賽員可以乘搭下列巴士路線前往:
    編號 路線 服務時間 非繁忙時間
    30荃威花園 長沙灣05:50 - 24:00每25分鐘
    30X荃威花園 黃埔花園06:30 - 24:00每20分鐘
    39A荃灣碼頭 荃威花園 [循環線]05:50 - 00:12每25分鐘
    39M荃灣地鐵站 荃威花園06:00 - 00:45每25分鐘
  4. 九巴查詢熱線2745-4466。
  5. 賽事中心不設任何泊車處,如需要停泊任何車輛,請使用附近之私人屋苑停車場或附近之時租泊車處。
  1. 賽事中心位於荃灣荃景圍中華基督教會基慧小學(GR:KK018776)。
  2. 賽事中心設有洗手間。
  3. 急救服務設於賽事中心。
  4. 賽事中心將於上午8時正開放。
  5. 請帶走所有垃圾及保持場內清潔。
  6. 賽事中心將顯示大會時間。
  1. 部份小徑因植物生長變得較隱蔽。
  2. 定向圖上南面之空曠地與鄰近地方的植物分界並不明顯。
  3. 北面因較多植物,可跑性較低。
  4. 部份區域表面有較多碎石或/及土質鬆散,請小心。
  5. 部份大石及崖壁的高度可達1.5至2米之高,請小心。
  6. 起點及終點距離賽事中心較遠及攀升較高,路程約80分鐘。請預備充份的 往返時間及留意身體狀況。
  7. 賽會建議各賽員穿著長袖運動衫及長褲,以防荊棘所傷。
  1. 當日各組別之長度及攀高如下:
    組別 長度(米) 攀高(米)   組別 長度(米) 攀高(米)
    CATI178065  F20, M16, MB3300160
    F14, FC200055  FA, M204000205
    F16, M14230065  MA5000200
    FB, MC220070     
  2. 各組賽程之提示將會在賽事中心貼出。
  3. 賽事時限為 2 小時
  1. 由賽事中心步行往出發區需時80分鐘(距離約2100米,攀高約300米),沿途有指示。
  2. 往出發區時需要橫過馬路,請留意來往車輛。
  3. 將有工作人員檢查賽員之指南針、哨子、控制咭及號碼布(必須扣於胸前),齊全者始獲准出發。
  4. 各賽員請按自己的出發時間提早10分鐘到達出發區。
  5. 出發區顯示之時間為入格時間﹐賽員請根據自己之出發時間自行進入「兩分區」之第一格。大會不會報讀賽員編號
  6. 一分鐘之後行前一格。
  7. 在最後一格﹐賽員可利用大會提供的箱頭筆,在地圖背面寫上賽員編號或姓名。
  8. 在最後一格賽員不可閱讀地圖,各賽員有責任自行檢查地圖上一切資料是否正確
  9. 當出發訊號最後一響後﹐賽員方可出發往出發三角點﹐不可在通往出發三角點的通道上停留。
  10. 遲到者必須向出發區工作人員報到﹐由工作人員安排在遲到出發線出發﹐而其所損失之時間將不獲補回。
  1. 所有賽員,無論完成賽事與否或遺失控制咭,均須於出發後2小時內向終點報到。
  2. 賽員之完成時間,會由賽員越過終點線時計算。
  3. 請交出控制咭及地圖予工作人員,如有任何更改或投訴請於離開終點線後方可向工作人員提出,以免阻礙其他賽員。
投 訴
  1. 賽員對賽事或成績之投訴必須於最後成績公佈後二十分鐘內,以書面向大會提出;大會將記錄該投訴及其處理之決定。
  2. 有關對賽會決定之抗議,賽員必須以書面向賽事控制員提出;賽事控制員將根據賽事規則處理。
  1. 香港野外定向總會「野外定向公開比賽的技術標準及比賽規則」將適用於本賽事。
  2. 除賽會提供之地圖及以上提及之裝備外,不可使用任何輔助器具。
  3. 賽員必須在正確方格內打孔,若有誤打、漏打、重打或打錯方格者,均作廢論,控制咭上之針孔必須保持清楚可見。
  4. 遺失控制咭將當未完成賽事論,但仍須向終點報到。
  5. 賽員如移動或損壞控制點或賽會設施,將被取消參賽資格,若有損毀,須按價賠償。
  6. 賽員須遵守比賽規則。
  7. 已完成比賽的賽員在大會賽事進行期間不得返回賽區內。
  8. 賽會可隨時增加或修改比賽規則,但會在比賽當日公佈。
備 註
  1. 所有參賽員須自負個人意外及財物損失之責任,主辦團體概不負責。
  2. 參賽者須遵守郊野公園守則,並保持地方清潔,切勿污染水源或郊野。
  3. 大會不設行李存放區,不設保安,賽員攜來物件如有遺失,大會概不負責,故賽員請勿攜帶貴重物品。
  4. 往返賽事中心時需要橫過馬路,請留意來往車輛。
  5. 如比賽當日上午六時,天文台發出雷暴警告或懸掛三號或以上風球、又或紅 / 黑色暴雨警告訊號,則賽事延期舉行,日期將另行通知各賽員。
  6. 如在比賽中遇上緊急事件需要求助,請留在原地並採用國際求救訊號,(用哨子吹六次,相隔一分鐘重覆再吹) 等候工作人員前求援。
  7. 當日賽員可憑其號碼布在賽事中心換領飲品及於頒獎典禮後領取紀念布章一個。
  8. 紀念布章及賽事完成證書於只在現場派發,大會將不設任何補領。
  1. 單位會員挑戰盃以最佳三名所屬單位之賽員成績總和為單位成績(不包括體驗組),如出現同分的情況,則以較短時間為勝者。
  2. 旅團錦標以參與旅團全部賽員之成績總和為旅團成績(包括體驗組)。如出現同分的情況,則以較短時間為勝者。
  3. 單位會員挑戰盃及旅團錦標之成績將予日後公佈及頒獎。
  1. 已隨本賽事資料附寄控制咭及號碼布。(扣針請在賽事中心取)
  2. 若發現以上物品有遺漏,請在12月5日或以前致電2957 6473與活動幹事陳小姐處理,以便登記補發。
  3. 如賽員遺失或於比賽當日忘記攜帶以上物件,而要補領者,需繳交補領費港幣十元(已登記補發者除外),只補領控制咭,則收補領費港幣五元。
查 詢
  • 香港童軍總會青少年活動署 電話 : 2957 6473 (陳小姐)
  • 賽事資料及出發名單已公佈於本會網頁,歡迎各位溜覽。
鳴 謝
  1. 漁農自然護理署
  2. 中華基督教會基慧小學
  3. 香港童軍總會救護組
  4. 香港野外定向會


All competitors must report to Finish Point
or Event Centre whether they complete the course or not.

Scout Orienteering Club of Scout Association of Hong Kong
Scout Orienteering Championship 2001

Event Information

Date:Sunday, 9 December 2001
Area: Fa Shan, Tsuen Wan
Type: Cross-country
Map:1:10,000, 5-metre contour interval with IOF control description
Prizes:The first 3 places in each class
(Only the Champion will be awarded for classes with less than 10 entries)
Controller:Mr. Ng Kwan Shing (HKOC)
Jury:Mr. CHENG Hoi Man (HKOC),
Mr. LI Tak Kun (MWCSOC),
Miss WAN Nga Yi (NDOC)
Event Programme

0800 - Event Centre opens
0930 - Start opens
1000 - First start , Finish opens
1150 - Complaint counter opens , Start closes
1400 - Announcement of final result , Finish close
1430 - Prize presentation , All control close
1500 - End of event

  1. No transportation will be provided by the organiser.
  2. Competitors can take the following bus routes to the event centre.
    Route No. From To Holiday operating hour Frequency
    30Cheung Sha WanAllways Gardens05:50 - 24:0025 min
    30XWhampoa GardenAllways Gardens06:30 - 24:0020 min
    39ATsuen Wan FerryAllways Gardens05:50 - 00:1225 min
    39MTsuen Wan MTRAllways Gardens06:00 - 00:4525 min
  3. It takes about 5 mins to walk from the bus terminus to event centre. Signs will be erected along the way.
  4. For any enquires, please call KMB enquiry hotline 2745 4466.
Event Centre
  1. The Event Centre is located at Church of Christ in China Kei Wai Primary School (GR: KK 018776).
  2. There is a toilet near the Event Centre.
  3. First Aid Services will be provided at the Event Centre.
  4. Event Centre will be opened at 0800.
  5. Please keep the event centre clean and take all the rubbish away.
  6. The official time will be displayed at the Event Centre.
Information about Competition Area
  1. The competition area is mainly covered by rough open land.
  2. Competitors are advised to have full body protection due to the dense vegetation in some parts of the competition area.
Course Information
  1. The lengths and climbs of the different classes are as follow:
    Class Length (m) Climb(m)   Class Length (m) Climb(m)
    CATI178065  F20, M16, MB3300160
    F14, FC200055  FA, M204000205
    F16, M14230065  MA5000200
    FB, MC220070     
  2. The control description of each class will be displayed at the Event Centre.
  3. Time limit: 2 hours.
Start and Starting Procedures
  1. It takes about 80 minutes to walk from the Event Centre to the Start (length about 2100m, climb about 300m). Signs will be displayed along the way.
  2. You will need to cross motor road on the way to the Start. Be careful of the traffic.
  3. Event officials will check your whistle, compass, control card and number cloth (Please put it in front of the chest) here. Only competitors who have all these equipment may start.
  4. Please arrive at the Start 10 minutes before your start time.
  5. The time shown at the Start is the Entry time. Please enter the first box of the "2-minute zone" when your starting time is displayed. Event officials will not call competitors' numbers.
  6. Proceed one box per minute.
  7. When you reach the last box, you may use the pen provided by the organiser to write down your competitor number or name on the back of the map.
  8. You must not read the map in the last box. All competitors are responsible for checking if the information on their maps is correct.
  9. You can start and proceed to the Start Triangle only after hearing the last bleep. All competitors must pass through the Start Triangle.
  10. Latecomers must report to the officials at the Start. They will be arranged to start at the late starting line. The time being lost will not be compensated.
Finish and Finishing Procedures
  1. Competitors must report to the Finish within 2 hours after start, even they may have not completed their courses or may have lost their control cards.
  2. Your finishing time is the time when you cross the finishing line.
  3. Please hand your control card and map to event officials. Any alternations or complaints should be raised to the officials after you leave the finishing line, so that other competitors will not be obstructed.
  1. All complaints about the event or results must be made to the organiser in writing within 20 minutes after the announcement of final results. The organiser will record complaints and its decisions.
  2. All protests about the organiser's decisions must be made to the Event Controller in writing. The Event Controller will handle protests according to the Competition By-laws.
  1. The Technical Standards and Competition By-laws for Open Orienteering Event of the OAHK shall apply to this competition.
  2. No other maps or aids other than those provided or mentioned by the organiser may be used.
  3. All punch marks must be marked in the appropriate boxes. They cannot be amended and should be legible. Doubtful, missing on incorrect punch marks will lead to disqualification.
  4. Report to the finish, even if you lose your control card!
  5. Competitors who remove/destroy any properties of the organizer will be disqualified. The organizer will claim compensation from them.
  6. Competitors shall obey the competition rules.
  7. After finishing their own courses, competitors shall not re-enter the Competition Area while the event is in progress.
  8. The organiser reserves the right to add or amend the rules. All amendments, if any, will be displayed at the Event Centre on the day of competition.
  1. All competitors are entering this competition at their own risk. The organiser undertakes no liabilities to any personal injuries or loss of properties during and as a consequence to the competition.
  2. Observe the Country Code. Keep the area clean.
  3. There will be no Luggage Area at the Event Centre, so do not take any valuable there.
  4. You will need to cross motor road on the way to the Event Centre. Be careful of the traffic.
  5. If Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above is hoisted, or the Thunderstorm/ Black Rainstorm/Red Rainstorm warning is announced by the HK Observatory at 0600 hours on the day of competition, the competition will be postponed. Details will be announced later.
  6. In case of injury or under emergency situations, please use your whistle. The distress signal is 6 bleeps repeated every minute. Keep calm and wait for the help of event officials.
  7. Souvenir badge and free drink from sponsor will be given to the competitors when they return their number cloth.
Registration for Re-issue
  1. A control card and a number cloth accompany with this event information sheet (Safety pins are available at the event centre).
  2. If you find that any things above are missing, please call the Scout Association of Hong Kong at 2957 6473 (Miss Remy Chan) by 5 December to arrange re-issue.
  3. If you do not make a missing report in time or forget to take those things above on the day of competition, you will have to pay $10 for re-issue (except for those who make a loss report beforehand). However, if you just need to replace a control card, the re-issue fee will be $5.
  • Programme Branch, Scout Association of Hong Kong. Tel No.: 2957 6473 (Miss Remy Chan)
  • Please visit our homepage: for the Entry List and further informations.